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Happy Tails: Duke

"Duke came to me as "Chance" and at first sight, I knew he deserved just that: a chance. He was brought to the Dubuque Regional Humane Society with a large group of dogs from Texas that were mistreated. He was skin and bones, ribs showing, couldn't jump on the bed or into the car, was scared of most object. It was heartbreaking but the way he immediately put his paws up on the glass, I knew he was going to be coming home with me.

Several years later, he is absolutely thriving. Healthy, happy, and completely loved! He has fully regained strength and is super active. He shares our home with his doggy-wife, Nova, and a kitty sister Lilee (also a rescue from DRHS). They're all the best of friends and completely changed my life. Thank you so much for allowing me the opportunity to expand my family and bring so much love into my home." - Sarah and Travis

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