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dog food


Financial difficulties due to job loss or change in family status are among the top reasons why owners rehome their pets. The DRHS continually strives to find ways to keep pets with their families. All pet food and cat litter donated to the shelter supports our Pet Pantry program, allowing community members to receive assistance. 
This program is designed as a temporary solution and will serve families on a first-come, first-serve basis. You will be eligible for a period of one year, providing you adhere to all guidelines.

Rules and Limitations
  • One application per address
  • Application must be updated yearly to continue receiving food or supplies
  • If an applicant is found to be falsifying information or abusing the program, they will be permanently banned from the program
  • Limits may be lowered due to supply availability so as many families can be helped as possible
  • You may not add additional pets to a previous application
  • You will be ineligible to adopt from the DRHS for a period of 3 months from your most recent pickup of food or supplies
  • This program is not to be used to feed stray, foster care animals, outdoor community animals, or feral colonies
  • This program is intended to provide supplemental food to animals whose owners are in financial need and is not intended to be the sole source of food for pets
  • Supply pick-up times are available anytime the shelter is open, however there may be a wait time required when receiving supplies, depending on availability of staff & volunteers 

Maximum monthly limits* are:
  • Cat/kitten dry food - 16lbs.
  • Cat/kitten canned food - 12 cans
  • Cat litter - 25lbs
  • Dog/puppy dry food - 40lbs
  • Dog/puppy canned food - 18 cans
*Limits are based on the number and weight of animals
Additional Supplies
We have limited supplies available beyond food and litter that can be requested if needed. Items such as wire crates, litter boxes/scoops, food & water bowls, toys, and bedding are available (one per address and in limited quantities). Items such as diapers and shampoo may be available more frequently. This list is not inclusive and availability is not guaranteed. 
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