Court-Ordered Community Service
The Dubuque Regional Humane Society (DRHS) accepts applicants needing to complete court appointed community service. To be eligible to complete required hours in our facility, crimes must be within our charge requirements listed below. ALL persons wanting to complete community service with the DRHS must go through the screening process with our Community Engagement Director before coming to the facility to begin service. The DRHS has the right to turn away or discontinue service if we feel it is not a good fit.
PLEASE NOTE: Service at the DRHS is physical labor-intensive and requires lifting, squatting, bending, navigating stairs, and more.
To begin the screening process, please reach out to our Director of Community Engagement, either via phone (563-239-9227) or email (volunteer@dbqhumane.org). We do not allow walk-ins into the shelter for the screening process.
Are you an approved community service member for the DRHS? Click below to access shelter shift sign-up:
Must be at least 16 years of age
No federal charges
Crimes must be nonviolent and nonsexual
Crimes must not be related to animals or children
Any drug or theft-related misdemeanors may be further discussed
Shifts must be signed up for at least 24 hours in advance through our online scheduling website (instruction for this process is provided upon completion of the screening process)
Sign in and out with the front desk to track your service; you WILL NOT be credited hours if improperly signed off
After signing in, ask front desk staff for a task; when finished, promptly ask staff for your next task
Community Service members are expected to represent the DRHS in a professional manner and adhere to the Dress Code*
While completing court appointed hours, DO NOT sit/stand around waiting for someone to prompt you; staff has the ability to discredit hours if service is not completed properly or in a timely manner
Ask when unsure of how to complete tasks
Community Service members are under NO CIRCUMSTANCE to socialize, handle, or interact with animals; if guests ask for assistance, direct them to a staff member
Never put fingers, clothing, food/treats, or other items inside cages
Be courteous to ALL animals, staff, potential adopters, volunteers, board members, donors, vendors, and any other external stakeholders you encounter
Use of electronics during your shift is not permitted unless granted permission directly from the Director of Community Engagement
The following acts or actions performed by a community service member will not be tolerated and will result in immediate dismissal without opportunity to finish required community service hours:
Bullying, violence, harassment, or sexual harassment of employees, animals, potential adopters, volunteers, board members, donors, vendors, or any other external stakeholders
Use, sale, or possession of drugs and/or alcohol
Being under the influence of drugs and/or alcohol
Use of profane language
Use of cell phone during service
*Dress Code:
All clothing must be in good repair without holes or stains and must fit properly as to not expose bare midriffs or undergarments while standing, sitting, bending, or lifting
Clothing cannot depict images or words deemed offensive, obscene, or violent
Shorts must not be more than four inches above the knee; no cut-offs or spandex shorts
Closed-toe, non-slip shoes must be worn at all times; NO sandals or flip-flops
Earrings, necklaces, rings, bracelets, etc. may be worn unless they interfere with safety/productivity
Tattoos do not need to be covered UNLESS deemed offensive, obscene, or depicted as violent
The DRHS cannot be held liable for incidents involving clothing, jewelry, etc. if lost, broken, stolen, or causes injury to the person